Osteotomes: Osteotomes are sturdy, chisel-like bone cutting tools. The sharp, beveled blade separates bone in orthopedic surgeries like fracture repairs and dental extractions.

Chisels: Surgical chisels feature precise angled blades for shaping and cutting bone, cartilage, and hard tissues. Used in orthopedics, neurosurgery, and plastic surgery procedures.

Gouges: Gouges are curved surgical tools with scooped cutting edges. The angled blades carve out and hollow bone for reshaping in reconstructive and orthopedic operations.

Osteotomes: Osteotomes are sturdy, chisel-like bone cutting tools. The sharp, beveled blade separates bone in orthopedic surgeries like fracture repairs and dental extractions.

Chisels: Surgical chisels feature precise angled blades for shaping and cutting bone, cartilage, and hard tissues. Used in orthopedics, neurosurgery, and plastic surgery procedures.

Gouges: Gouges are curved surgical tools with scooped cutting edges. The angled blades carve out and hollow bone for reshaping in reconstructive and orthopedic operations.

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